House Numbers Kelowna

House Numbers Kelowna

We love when our customers get creative with their address sign.  This home owner in Kelowna BC built a fabulous cedar wall that we added 10 inch metal house numbers to.

We worked with the home owner on scale and size and they chose the left justified look which we think gives an amazing finish to their entrance feature.   The 10" metal numbers are powder coated and pin mounted to the wood.  We ensured proper instructions were given and that a dab of PL or silicone was added within each hole for extra hold.  All of our house numbers come with instructions and paper patterns so each home owner or builder can hold or tape up the patters to visibly see the size and placement before drilling any holes.

We love Kelowna so much for the weather but also realize that there are many beautiful homes in the Okanagan that could use some new modern house numbers!

Thank you again.

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